Prof. Dr. Guangwen Xu, president, chair professor, and institute director of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology (SYUCT), an adjunct professor of Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He graduated from Tsinghua University for his Bachelor and from Chinese Academy of Sciences for his Doctor in Chem. Eng. He has worked in 2015-2017 as the director of Southwest Research and Design Institute of Chemical Industry, in 2006-2015 as a professor and a team leader in IPE, CAS, in 1996-2006 in Japan and Germany as, in succession, a NEDO industrial researcher in AIST, an AvH fellow in Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), and a senior researcher in IHI Corporation, Ltd. (Japan). His expertise includes fluidization and particle technologies, thermochemical conversion of fuels, gas-solid reaction analysis, flue gas denitration and syngas methanation. By far, he has published more than 310 papers and one monograph about fuel decoupling thermochemical conversion, applied for more than 100 patents including more than 15 international patents, and successfully developed and commercialized a few fuel conversion and environment protection technologies to utilize low-rank coal and biomass wastes like spirit lees and Chinese herb residues, clean flue gas (NOx removal) and characterize gas-solid reactions using micro fluidized bed (MFB).