Hao Feng, PhD, is the Blue Cross Blue Shield Endowed Professor of Urban Food Systems and Professor of Food Bioprocess Engineering at North Carolina A&T State Univ. (Email: hfeng@ncat.edu). Feng received his PhD degree in engineering science at Washington State Univ. in 2000. His research focuses on high-intensity ultrasound (power ultrasound) and its application in food processing and preservation, novel deconstruction and downstream methods for biofuel and value-added product production from biomass, new physical and chemical treatments for enhancing the safety and quality of fresh and fresh-cut produce, plant protein-based nano- and micro-structures for protection and delivery of bioactive compounds, sustainable food systems, and novel drying technologies. Feng is a member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), AIChE, and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).