Hervé Neau manages a numerical simulation support team in a French research laboratory: Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse. He is also in charge of the IT department dedicated to computing and data at the scale of Toulouse INP University. Through these structures, he and his teams help PHD students and researchers to perform numerical computations, to access massively parallel computing resources (HPC) and to handle produced data. Hervé Neau joined the CNRS as a Research Engineer after a fluid mechanics engineering formation at ENSEEIHT. He is a specialist of scientific computing, HPC, CAD, meshing, CFD and post-processing.
Part of his responsibilities encompasses being the technical expert of the software NEPTUNE_CFD and Code_Saturne for academic and industrial collaborations in Toulouse. In the framework of these collaborations, he is involved in research projects managed by Pr. Olivier Simonin (President of Toulouse INP University), Ass. Pr. Pascal Fede, Ass. Pr. Renaud Ansart or Ass. Pr. Enrica Masi. He is in charge of evaluating large scale computing performances of these codes in collaboration along with French computing centers and the industrial consortium of nuclear energy: Electricite de France (EDF R&D), Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Framatome, and Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN). For 20 years, he has been working on gas-particles flows and especially gas-particles fluidized bed from lab scale up to industrial scale.
Hervé Neau is a proud father of two sons.