Jacob E. Grose, Ph.D. is an Investment Manager for BASF Venture Capital, where he heads the Boston office. He is a board member for NBD Nanotechnologies and a board observer for Provivi. He is responsible for making strategic minority investments that bring value to BASF and the greater community. Previously, Jacob worked for BASF New Business, where, among other projects, Jacob scouted and led BASF's strategic partnership with EnerG2 Technologies. During this time, he was involved in the negotiations, due diligence, and subsequent integration for BASF's acquisition of EnerG2 in 2016. Prior to joining BASF in 2012, Jacob was a Senior Analyst at Lux Research, a boutique independent research and advisory firm, providing strategic advice and ongoing intelligence on emerging technologies. Jacob received his Ph.D. in physics from Cornell University and his B.A. in physics from Harvard University. He is the author of nine peer-reviewed scientific articles in the areas of organic electronics and novel superconducting and magnetic materials.