Dr Jag Srai is a Director of Research at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, where he is Head of the Centre for International Manufacturing, Institute for Manufacturing. His research brings an engineering and strategic operations management perspective to the design, analysis and operation of international supply chains. Research projects explore the disruptive impacts of new production and digital technologies on supply chains, markets and regulation, involving close collaborations with industry, academia, and public bodies. Within Cambridge, Jag is co-Chair of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Global Food Security. He also advises leading multinationals, governments and international institutions including UNCTAD, UNIDO, and World Economic Forum where he co-Chairs the Council on Advanced Manufacturing. Previous roles were in industry with Unilever, as a Supply Chain Director of a multinational regional business, Technical Director of a national business and other senior management positions. Dr Srai holds a first-class honours degree in Chemical Engineering from Aston University, MPhil and PhD degrees in International Supply Networks from Cambridge University, is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers.