JAMES R. RISKO, CEM, PEM, MBA, is the Retired President of TLV Corporation (Charlotte, NC; Email: JimRisko@gmail.com; Phone: 704-641-8959), formerly responsible for U.S. and Canadian operations. With 46 years of steam systems experience, he has authored more than 60 technical articles, and has provided webinars to over 3,000 attendees globally. He has presented papers for the Kister Distillation Symposium, Distillation Experts Conclave, Fractionation Research Inc., American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), AIChE, the Ethylene Conference, RefComm, International Pressure Equipment Integrity Association (IPEIA), Industrial Energy Technology Conference (IETC), eChemExpo, Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) World, and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). He co-invented the world’s first combination pump/traps and created the extended stall chart for draining stalled coils, heat exchangers, and reboilers, as well as the drop-down loop seal (DDLS) concept for vertical risers in flashing condensate lines. A past chairman of the Fluid Controls Institute (FCI), he has been regularly active in FCI and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards development, and is an Advisory Board/Council member of the IETC and Texas Industrial Energy Efficiency Program (TIEEP). Risko is an avid tennis and guitar player and has three energy management certifications.