Senior Scientist
Joined Merck 2 years ago (June 2017) as Senior Scientist in PAT group. The role is to lead APC initiative across the network. Few projects he has been working on:
- Integration and automation of continuous direct compression lines
- Novel PAT sensors, patent application under preparation for one of the sensors
- Predictive dissolution RTRT strategy
- Mechanistic modeling and model predictive control of cell culture processes
- Lead digital strategy for continuous manufacturing
Completed PhD in 2014 in Process Systems Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Hector Budman in University of Waterloo. Key areas I worked on – modeling for control and optimization, real time optimization, uncertainty quantification and propagation. Completed postdoc for two and a half years (late 2014- mid 2017) in MIT with Prof. Myerson and Prof. Braatz working on population balance modeling and optimization strategies for multi stage continuous crystallization processes.