Jerry Y.S. Lin is a Regents’ Professor in the School for Engineering of Transport, Matter and Energy at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. He joined the University of Cincinnati as an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering in 1991 and was promoted to full Professor in 1998. In 2005 Dr. Lin moved to Arizona State University and served as the department chair of Chemical Engineering at ASU in 2006-2009. Dr. Lin became a Regents’ Professor, the highest honor for the Arizona State University faculty, in 2011.
Dr. Lin’s main research areas are membrane science, adsorption/catalysis, and energy storage. He has published over 320 refereed journal papers and 60 book chapters and conference proceeding papers, and is an inventor of 10 US and European patents.
Dr. Lin was a conference chair for several national and international meetings on membranes and has also chaired many sessions for AIChE annual meetings. He was the Editor for Journal of Membrane Science during 2008-2019 and has been co-Editor-in-Chief of this journal since 2020.