Dr. Xiao is currently a Battelle Fellow and leads Battery Materials & System Group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). She is also a PNNL-University of Washington distinguished faculty fellow. Dr. Xiao’s research spans from fundamental research, battery materials scaleup and manufacturing, to cell fabrication and engineering for vehicle electrification, sensors, and grid energy storage. She has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and been named top 1% Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher since 2017. She holds eighteen patents in the area of energy storage and seven of them have been licensed to industry. Dr. Xiao currently serves as the Deputy Director of DOE’s Innovation Center for Battery500 Consortium to develop next-generation lithium metal batteries for electrical vehicles. She also directs the Cathode-Electrolyte Interphase (CEI) Consortium which focuses on integrating scientific tools, across national labs, to identify and address interfacial challenges initiating on cathode surfaces, along with cross validating all new findings at industry-relevant scales.
- Ph. D in Materials Chemistry, State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton, NY
- M.S. in Physical Chemistry, Wuhan University, China
- B.Sc. in Chemistry, Wuhan University, China