John A. Williams, PhD, P.E., CFEI, MBA, ASA, is the Founder and General Manager of EPS, Inc. He conducts technology assessments and appraisals, as well as financial analyses for renewable and conventional energy technologies and facilities in the oil and gas, refining, biofuels, biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, coal, chemicals, steel, and power sectors. He has more than 35 years of industrial experience in technology development and implementation, and he is an Accredited Senior Appraiser by the ASA. He earned an MBA in finance from the Univ. of Chicago, MS and PhD in chemical and fuels engineering from the Univ. of Utah, and BS in chemistry from the Univ. of Delaware. He has developed and instructed cost estimating and engineering courses for AIChE since 1996. Williams is a licensed Professional Engineer and AIChE Fellow.