Dr. Li is a Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, UK. Dr .Li’s research focuses on the development and optimisation of bioenergy technologies, enabling wider uses of waste biomass stream as a sustainable resource for the production of energy, fuels and materials to advance a low-carbon circular society. He has expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling of reacting flow, multiphase interactions and heat transfers, and is uniquely equipped for advanced characterisations of solid fuel at high temperatures and high heating rates. Dr. Li has authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications including 2 ESI highly-cited papers, with overall 444 citations and H-index of 12 (Scopus). Dr. Li has been invited and delivered 15 invited talks or presentations in conferences, workshops and seminars and 2 industry training lecturers. He is the editorial board member of an open-access journal ‘Archives of Industrial Biotechnology’; and is academic member of the International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF), the Combustion Institute (CI) and the Energy Technology Partnership (ETP). Dr. Li has organised ‘Biomass Waste Utilisation workshop’ in Glasgow in 2018, and co-organised 2 workshops for the establishment of ‘Scottish Combustion & Gasification Engineering’ in 2015.