My name is Justin Hodges and I am the senior AI/ML technical specialist at Simcenter (the Siemens portfolio of simulation and test products). I sit in a product management organization for our portfolio of software. I earned my bachelors, masters, and Ph.D in mechancial engineering at the University of Central Florida in thermofluids. I grew up in a Siemens Energy turbomachinery lab characterizing heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and turbulence in gas turbine secondary flow systems. My masters and doctoral research was on film cooling flow-fields, predicting turbulence and thermal fields with advanced turbulence modeling and machine learning approaches.
During an internship in Princeton NJ in 2017, I fell in love with AI and have been building my technical proficiency with such since. In that time, we patented work which incorporated CFD flow-field results, based on CT scans, into machine learning models. Incorporating information from clinical surveys, (physical) breathing measurements, and CFD results into a machine learning framework provides improved diagnosis of COPD.
From then until now, I have made constant professional efforts to augment the capabilities of engineering simulation by virtue of machine learning. I help real customers solve relevant problems which add value to their business and delivered products. Whether it be more convenient/faster workflows, more accurate simulations, or better connectedness of multi-disciplinary teams and data, it is my passion to expand the usage of machine learning for the benefits of those in industry.
Connect with Justin through his LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-hodges-phd-3432a58b