Karl Jacob | AIChE

Karl Jacob

University of Michigan, Dow (retired)

Karl Jacob retired in 2018 from The Dow Chemical Company as Fellow in Engineering & Process Sciences after a 36 year career. He is founder of the Solids Processing Lab at Dow and has worked on a vast array of particle technology problems, with particular expertise in silo/hopper design, powder mechanics, pneumatic conveying, particle engineering and drying.  He is past chair of the Particle Technology Forum and was on the Board of Directors for AIChE.  He is the senior editor for the Solids Processing and Particle Technology chapter for the ninth edition of Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook.  In addition to his industrial career, he enjoys teaching solids processing and process design at the University of Michigan and consulting on variety of particle technology/chemical engineering problems.   In recognition of his efforts in chemical engineering, he has been awarded the Particle Technology Forum Award for lifetime achievement in particle technology and the Lawrence Evans Award from the AIChE for chemical engineering practice.