Kent Harrington

Kent is a videographer and professional storyteller. He regularly blogs for AIChE on ChEnected. See his latest posts below. You can also follow Kent on twitter @harringtonkent.
ChEnected contributions
Electric Cars, the Smart Grid and the Next Oil-Surplus Price Crash
It's always hard to predict the future, but that hasn't stopped Nissan from trying.
Leasing Solar Power to a Million Rural Customers in Tanzania
In Tanzania, like many African countries, the rapid spread of mobile phones has outpaced the slow creep of grid-connected electricity, where 85% of the population still lives off-grid and relies on
New Smart Solar Microgrids Speed Up Rural Electrification in Kenya
A new generation of microgrids is beginning to win funding from investors as a profitable way to bring power to the 620 million Africans who lack access to electricity.
King of Morocco Plans to Export Solar Power to Europe
Two weeks ago, when the King of Morocco ceremonially switched on the Noor I concentrated solar plant (CSP), he was hoping to turn his country into a renewable energy powerhouse over the next ten ye
Prologis Makes a Mint Selling Utility-Scale Solar Power Without Investing a Dime
By loading warehouse rooftops with with solar panels and selling electricity back to the grid, Prologis is a global model of profitability and sustainability.
Massive Porter Ranch Gas Leak a Cautionary Tale
Months of chaos, fear, and the smell of rotten eggs came to an end at Porter Ranch in Los Angeles on Thursday, once crews digging a relief well finally pierced the deep, underground casing of the d
Chinese Electric Buses Rolling Off California Assembly Line
Looking for a mentor? You might give Wang Chaunfu a call.
Renewable Diesel Big Winner After Paris Climate Accord and VW's Diesel-Gate
One dream has eluded pollution-conscious governments and price-conscious auto makers: the perfect mass market diesel car.
Is Finland's Neste the World's First 21st Century Oil Company?
Neste Oil, a Finnish oil refining and marketing company, officially dropped "oil" from its name, given its major emphasis on biofuels.
US Navy Green Fleet Makes Biofuels the New Normal
The US Navy's biofuel program has just launched a great success with the Great Green Fleet, which is fueled with a drop-in blend of biofuel from beef tallow and petroleum-based fuel.
Shell's Prelude FLNG Completes Major Construction
Shell has sent out a video update as its revolutionary Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) project winds up major construction in Samsung’s Geoje shipyard in South Korea.
Oil May Have Crashed but Renewables Set New Record
Anyone worried that the low prices hobbling oil explorers may have clobbered renewables too — especially wind and solar — can relax.
Mexico's Huge, Untouched Shale-Oil Fields Lure Wildcatters and Criminals
Fracking "unconventionals" has rapidly accelerated US oil production, boosting output by more than 60 percent since 2010, but Mexico hasn’t "even scratched the surface on the u
Argentina's Vaca Muerta Is a Refuge in the Shale Storm
Productivity and costs soared as the US shale industry rapidly evolved over the past 7 years, drilling longer and longer horizontals much faster from multi-well pads that often came with walking dr