Kent Harrington

Kent is a videographer and professional storyteller. He regularly blogs for AIChE on ChEnected. See his latest posts below. You can also follow Kent on twitter @harringtonkent.
ChEnected contributions
Why the US Fracking Boom Took Off and China's Sputtered
China has discovered that it isn't easy to duplicate a shale boom fueled by a special cadre of small, wildcatting oil and gas exploration companies.
The Global Spread of Advanced Fracking Technology Is Winning the Oil War
In November 2014, OPEC and Saudi Arabia started a price war against the US shale industry (and other high-end producers) by refusing to rein in output and fighting for market share instead.
General Motors' Private War on Coal
Several years ago, General Motors made a deal to turn Detroit municipal waste into steam, which helped to power one of its local plants in 2014.
Congress Wheels and Deals: Trading US Oil Exports for Renewable Tax Credits
It's always nice when a business gamble turns into a sure thing. That former gamble — SolarCity's massive solar module giga-factory — is taking shape in Buffalo, New York.
Climate Change Could Bring Deadly Heat to Persian Gulf Cities
A new study suggests that Persian Gulf countries will have to endure extreme weather episodes with heat unbearable to humans.
How Desalination Created Modern Qatar
Imagine a country with abundant energy — primarily gas and oil — but lacking almost any drinking water (ground or surface), which is essential for the cities, infrastructure, and in Qat
Masdar Launches Solar Desalination Pilot Program
Last month in the United Arab Emirates, Veolia Water Technologies and three other companies that have built some of the most advanced desalination technology in the world began operating a cluster
Canada Ready to Change Course on Climate Change
A breakthrough in the Paris climate talks suddenly seemed possible a year ago, after President Obama and Chinese Premier Xi Jinping — representing the world's biggest polluters — pl
Modi and Hollande Announce Solar Alliance at Climate Talks
It's amazing how quickly the falling price of solar and wind power has shifted the global energy consensus.
Bill Gates Sets Up New Clean Energy Fund to Boost Innovation
President Obama's speech may have grabbed most of the headlines on the opening day of the Paris climate talks, but speaking in a press conference that felt more like a Davos flashback, Bill Gat
Texas Is Giving Away Wind Energy
Wind power is now so cheap in Texas that many energy retailers offer special deals that include free electricity at night after demand drops and the turbines are still pumping out electricity.
Retired Coal Plant Has Second Career as Lithium-ion Grid Storage
Duke Energy replaced its recently retired Beckjord coal-fired plant in New Richmond, Ohio, with a 2-MW lithium-ion grid-storage battery and joined companies like AES Energy Services in the storage-to-frequency regulation market.
Dupont's New Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Is Open for Business
Any company that prefers stability over the trauma of change should avoid the energy business for the next couple of decades.
Ann Marie Sastry, Lithium Battery Giga-Factory Slayer
When Elon Musk started bulldozing desert scrub to build his giga-factory near Reno, Nevada, he bet the ranch that the lithium-ion battery market would skyrocket to around $75 billion by 2020, makin