Kent Harrington

Kent is a videographer and professional storyteller. He regularly blogs for AIChE on ChEnected. See his latest posts below. You can also follow Kent on twitter @harringtonkent.
ChEnected contributions
Mark Jacobson's 50-State Blueprint for Rapid Transition to Renewable Energy
In 2009, long before renewables plummeted to grid parity in some regions of the US, Mark Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford, who skews to the skeptical and highl
Solar Micro-grids for India's Rural Poor
Elon Musk thinks a lithium-ion battery is the best buy for stationary storage on a micro-grid, but SunEdison execs don't buy it.
Apple to Bring SunPower's C7 Solar Technology to China
Last April Apple announced that all of its US facilities, and 87 percent of its worldwide operations, were completely powered by renewable energy, which showed that Apple was finally getting seriou
LNG Gazprom Buster Fights for Global Energy Security
Energy insecurity may be the world's greatest sales tool to encourage infrastructure impulse shopping.
Second LNG-Powered Container Ship Launch Signals New Regulatory Clampdown
When TOTE, a shipper that plies the waters between the US and the Caribbean, recently launched a 760-foot container ship from its construction drydock in San Diego, it carried a special distinction
Saudi Arabia Creates New Solar-Powered Desalination Technology
One of the world's great remaining mysteries is the actual size of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves. But whatever the answer — what is non-peak, Alex?
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Ready To Go Mano-A-Mano Against Industry Heavyweights
Energy poverty never looks exactly the same. You don't have to sweat over a smoky wood stove in dim candle light to find yourself trapped by deprivation.
Solar City's New PV Module Hits World Record
SolarCity has quickly moved from buying late-stage solar module startup Silevo a year ago to claiming production of "the world’s most efficient rooftop solar panel, with a module efficie
HP's Switch to Wind Power Signals US Tipping Point
Hewlett Packard recently signed a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for a Texas wind-farm developer to supply 112 megawatts of renewable energy to the company's state-wide data centers,
Renewables Help South Africa Save Its Grid
Starting with almost zero renewable energy in 2010, South Africa has now built out more than 1,000 megawatts of solar and 800 of wind power.
Surviving $40 Oil by Unlocking the Mysteries of Frac-Sand
America may have started out as a religious haven with a lot of elbow room, but it's also a strike-it-rich country.
How US Shale Drillers Survive the OPEC-Engineered Oil Price Crash
When Ryan Lance, CEO of ConocoPhillips, told an OPEC conference in 2012 that the cartel was complacently under-estimating the global impact of US shale drillers, the audience, flush with $100 a bar
Japan Installs World's Largest Offshore Wind Turbine
Weeks before Japan restarted the first nuclear reactor of the 48 that were shut down following the 2011 Fukushima disaster, a Marubeni-led consortium installed the world’s largest offshore wi
Could Richard Branson's Microgrid Save Catalina Island?
Catalina Island, a low-key tourist destination 22 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, has a crippling problem — besides already losing millions of tourist dollars to Las Vegas, Disneyland, an
Profits over Safety Culture at Fukushima, Explains Report
Three years ago, the biggest earthquake in Japanese history rumbled and ripped into the eastern side of the island, followed by a powerful tsunami that quickly rushed in, sometimes towering as much