Kent Harrington
Kent is a videographer and professional storyteller. He regularly blogs for AIChE on ChEnected. See his latest posts below. You can also follow Kent on twitter @harringtonkent.
ChEnected contributions
As Japan Starts Up First Nuke, Geothermal Boom Begins
Television viewers across Japan watched as workers in the control room of Kyushu Electric's Sendai nuclear reactor No.
Trouble at Japan's First Nuclear Restart
Four years after Japan locked down nuclear power in response to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant and forced 160,000 people to flee from their
Let the Bio-Based Isobutanol Gold Rush Begin
A four-year legal slugfest over the future of isobutanol is suddenly over.
Engineered Microbe Vastly Improves Biobutanol Yields from Cellulose
Another technological barrier to gas-tank-ready biofuels has fallen. And not a moment too soon.
Los Angeles' Low Cost Water-Saving Technology
For months Los Angeles has been putting millions of floating, black plastic balls into one of its largest reservoirs to block sunlight from triggering a hazardous chemical reaction.
Dow Buying Texas Wind to Power Its Freeport Plant
The new state motto of Texas may soon be "Come for the natural gas but stay for the wind."
A New Industry Is Born: Sustainable Solar-Powered Agriculture
A major investor has just put $100 million on solar-powered, sustainable agriculture.
Tapping Infrared to Improve Solar Cell Efficiency
Residential solar installers are desperately waiting for photovoltaic (PV) efficiency upgrades so they can pump out more juice per square foot for price-sensitive consumers.
US Wind Energy Industry Develops around Block Island Turbines
Europe has already built a thriving offshore wind industry, so it's an understatement to say that the US has a lot of catching up to do.
World's Largest Steelmaker to Use LanzaTech's Gas-to-Biofuel Microbe
ArcelorMittal, the world’s biggest steel company, joined by LanzaTech, the world's leading waste-gas-to-biofuels developer, and Primetals Technologies, a seasoned steel plant construction
Budget-Cutting Pain Hits Oil Services
July 30, 2014 was just another budget-busting day to cash-strapped oil importers like Jordan and India as they bought oil on the global market.
Oahu We Have Liftoff: First Wave Energy Device to Power Hawaii's Grid
Wave energy developer Northeast Energy Innovations (NEI) just beat very long odds. For the first time in the United States, its Azura wave energy device has sent power it harvested in the Paci
Solar Desalination Saves Cropland in California's Central Valley
Traditional desalination burns a lot of energy, leaves a big carbon footprint, and discharges an annoying byproduct — an unusable brine cocktail.
Anchors Away for World's First LNG-Powered Container Ship
First the good news. Last April, after a ceremonial whack on the ship's bow sent champagne spraying into the air, a new transportation era finally began to take shape.
Big Solar Meets Big Oil, Big Love and Profits Follow
With each new press release that pops up on internet energy sites, it's becoming obvious that innovation in the energy business is accelerating.