Kumar Selvarajoo, is a Senior Research Scientist (PI) at the BioTrans, A*STAR Singapore, and serves the editorial board of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) and In Silico Biology (IOS Press) journals. Prior to moving back to his native Singapore, he was an Associate Professor in Systems Biology at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), Keio University, Japan (2006-2016).
Kumar holds a PhD in Computational Biology (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and a direct Master of Engineering in Aeronautics (Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London). He has led his team to pioneer several computational and statistical approaches, and had utilized experimental methodologies to tackle the dynamical complexities of immune, cancer and developmental cells. In particular, he has used original ideas, utilizing fundamental statistical and physical laws, to investigate multi-dimensional and time-series NGS datasets, and dynamic computational modeling of complex biological networks. At BioTrans, he continues systems biology research for understanding and controlling complex self-organizing behaviour of bacterial populations.
To-date, Kumar has authored over 50 scientific articles, largely as the corresponding author, which includes a single-authored book on Immuno Systems Biology (Springer, US) and 2 letters to the journal Science. He has also mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students. Kumar has obtained both intramurally and extramurally funded research grants, and has been a grant reviewer for international grant organizations. In 2013 and 2015, Kumar founded and chaired the Symposium on Complex Biodynamics and Networks (http://www.c-bio.org/2015/), an international meeting that brought together world leaders in systems biology.