Dr. Kwang Seok Kim is a senior manager of Fire&Explosion Research Department at Korea Gas Safety Corporation. His academic background is chemical engineering. Before he joined KGS, he finished his doctorate at New Jersey Institute of Technology, then worked at Korea Institute of Science and Technology as a postdoc for 2 years. His research interest includes release of flammable gases from a nozzle with/without combustion; consequences of gases explosion; and fire dynamics. Since 2013, he designed and led the construction of the KGS test site, which is called Energy Safety Empirical Research Center. And currently, for 9 years, his role in KGS has been a team leader for the real-scale fire tests with high risk of destructive explosions, including compressed hydrogen and lithium ion batteries, etc. Now, He is the principal investigator of the Korea national R&D project by which scientific evidences will be provided for the codes and standards regarding the blast mitigation barrier for hydrogen refueling station.