Lacra Bintu is an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at Stanford University. She has a BS in Physics, Math, and Neuroscience from Brandeis University, a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley working with Dr. Carlos Bustamante, and was a Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioengineering at California Institute of Technology with Dr. Michael Elowitz. Her interdisciplinary lab (https://bintulab.com/) uses single-cell imaging, high-throughput methods, and mathematical modeling to uncover basic principles of gene regulation and develop new tools for mammalian synthetic biology. Her lab developed a high-throughput method (HT-recruit) for testing tens of thousands of protein sequences for effects on gene expression in human cells, and applied it to annotate and characterize activation and repression domains across thousands of human transcription factors and viral proteins, and more recently RNA regulatory effectors across hundreds of RNA binding proteins. Using single-cell imaging, her lab has shown that upon targeted gene silencing, histone modifications can spread across tens of kilobases, even past insulators, leading to chromatin compaction which is predictive of epigenetic memory. Lacra is part of the 4D Nucleome Consortium through a collaborative grant on Real-Time Chromatin Dynamics and Function and serves as co-chair of the 4DN Imaging Working Group. Her lab is also supported by a Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA R35) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and a collaborative Novel Genomic Technology Development R01 Grant from the National Human Genome Research Institute.