Laura Dietsche, PhD, P.E., is a Fellow within the Core R&D organization at Dow (Email: ljdietsche@dow.com). She received both her BS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the Univ. of California at Berkeley and is a licensed professional engineer. Her career in industrial R&D spans over 35 years with Dow, where she is known for the application of transport fundamentals and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to advance chemical and polymer processing technology and material development. Dietsche continues to work in the area of numerical modeling with a recent focus on hybrid machine learning models. In addition to her industrial career accomplishments, she is passionate about enhancing her profession through volunteer activities. She is involved in improving the quality of engineering education through her 20+ years of volunteering and leadership within ABET and the AIChE Education and Accreditation Committee. Dietsche is also a recent past chair of the Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC) of AIChE and is a past chair and a current director of the Mid-Michigan section of AIChE. Currently, she serves on the AIChE Fellows Council and Public Affairs and Information Committee (PAIC).