Leonardo Sacconi | AIChE

Leonardo Sacconi

Senior Researcher
National Institute of Optics (INO-CNR)

Leonardo Sacconi obtained the Master Degree in Physics in 2001 at the University of Florence. His research activity is detailed below.

2000-2001: Undergraduate student at the Biophysical Lab at the European Laboratory of Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS), University of Florence. During this period he developed a 3D magneto-optic manipulator for single bio molecule application. This novel manipulator was realized combining an optical trap with a 3D magnetic manipulator.

2001-2004: Degree student in Physics at the Biophysical Lab at LENS (supervisor: Prof. Renzo Antolini). In the course of his PhD work he developed a multi-spot multi-photon microscope and a second-harmonic generation microscope. These imaging techniques were then used directly or in combination with optical manipulation techniques (laser dissection and optical tweezers) for the study of the mitotic spindle dynamics and the nucleus positioning in yeast cells.

2004- 2005: Visiting scientist, School of Applied & Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA (group leader: Prof. Watt W. Webb). During his visit, he examined the signal and photodamage (PD) of second-harmonic generation (SHG) imaging of cultured Aplysia neurons loaded with a voltage sensitive dye. He applied my new understanding of PD to increase the signal to noise of optical SHG recording of action potentials.

2005-2011. Post-doc at the Biophotonics Lab at LENS. He worked in several research projects focused on the in vivo functional imaging of brain by nonlinear microscopy.

2011-present. Researcher at the National Institute of Optics - CNR. He is developing innovative imaging methodologies for an increased understanding of biological events in cells, tissues and living animals.