Leslie Shor | AIChE

Leslie Shor

Associate Professor
University of Connecticut

Dr. Shor leads the Engineered Microhabitats research group. Microbes important in nature, in medicine, and in the industry generally live in complex communities and inhabit intricate, micro-structured habitats. The theme of the Engineered Microhabitats research group is to systematically understand the actions and interactions of microbial communities living in complex micro-habitats. This work has direct applications to biofuel production, environmental biotechnology, and medicine.


MOISTURE REGULATION BY SOIL BACTERIA. Microbial processes may help regulate the rate and extent of water loss from soils. This project aims to better understand the potential of microbes to promote resiliency in terrestrial ecosystems. We are developing a multifunctional in situ platform linking gene expression to overall system function in a physically realistic emulated soil microenvironment. This project will develop novel optogenetic tools to place the genes of soil microbes under the control of light and enable microscale spatiotemporal control of microbial genetic capabilities in situ, and build systems-level understanding of the microbial water-regulating function through pore-scale and root-scale mathematical modeling.

For more information please visit https://cbe.engr.uconn.edu/person/leslie-shor/#