Dr Joachim Loo is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering. He graduated with a Bachelors (Hons) in Applied Science (Materials Engineering) and received his PhD degree from NTU. Upon graduation, he had a stint of post-doctoral experience in Mayo Clinic (USA) before joining NTU first as a Research Fellow (2005), a Teaching Fellow (2006), before becoming a tenured-track faculty member in 2007. His research interests include biomaterials, controlled release, targeted delivery, nanomaterials and nanotoxicology. From his research, he had published more than 30 international peer-reviewed journal papers, and filed one US patent and several other technical disclosures. He had also been awarded several research grants amounting to a total of ~$1.2M. He has often been invited to speak in conferences and to serve as a reviewer for a number of premier conferences and journals, including Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release and Polymer. He was the Guest Editor of Biofactors, and currently sits on the International Review Editorial Board for International Journal of Biomaterials Research and Engineering (IJBRE). Dr. Joachim Loo is currently an Executive Committee Member of the Materials Research Society Singapore (MRS-S) of which he was a member since 2002.