M. Henry Heines, PhD, JD, (Email: mhheines@comcast.net; Website: http://henryheines.com) is a patent attorney and an author, speaker, and consultant on patent-related topics for lawyers, as well as for scientists, engineers, and managers in technology companies, and has served as an expert witness in patent litigation. He began his career as a research engineer in the chemicals industry and worked in corporate patent practice before entering private practice, including 25 years as a partner in the firm now bearing the name Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP. The focus of his practice has centered on chemistry, chemical and mechanical engineering, laboratory, industrial, and medical equipment, materials science, alternative fuels and energy sources, and related fields. In addition to more than 60 articles, he has written three books, including First to File: Patents for Today’s Scientist and Engineer, as well as CEP’s Patent Update column. He is a member of AIChE and has chaired sessions on patent law at AIChE meetings. He holds a BS from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MS and PhD from the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, all in chemical engineering, and a JD from Golden Gate Univ. School of Law.