Dr. Mai Uibu received her PhD degree in Chemical and Materials Technology (thesis title “Abatement of CO2 emissions in Estonian oil shale-based power production”) in 2008 from Tallinn University of Technology. Her research interests include the basics of new utilization processes for inorganic wastes, more specifically the abatement of CO2 emissions and production of PCC-type filler material on the basis of oil shale combustion wastes. Current projects include “ CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process” (1.10.2017−30.09.2021, funded by Horizon 2020 Programme), “Climate change mitigation with CCS and CCU technologies” (1.04.2019−31.03.2021, funded by European Regional Development Fund RITA1/01-02-20), “Efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable use of Earth Resources” (1.07.2017−30.06.2020, funded by European Regional Development Fund RITA1/01-01-07), “Circular solutions for oil shale ash” (10.12.2019−28.02.2021, funded by R-S OSA Service OÜ). https://www.etis.ee/CV/Mai_Uibu/est?lang=ENG&tabId=CV_ENG
Mai Uibu
Senior Research Scientist
Tallinn University of Technology