Marco Castaldi was born in New York City and received his B.S. ChE (Magna cum Laude) from Manhattan College. His Ph.D. is in Chemical Engineering from UCLA and he has minors in Advanced Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics. Professor Castaldi has approximately 60 peer-reviewed research articles, 40 peer-reviewed conference papers, 3 book chapters and 11 patents in the fields of catalysis, combustion and gasification. Some of his research findings have been covered by The New York Times, The Observer, CNN, and other trade publications. Prior to his academic career Professor Castaldi worked as Manager of Fuel Processor Component Development for Precision Combustion Inc. in New Haven, CT overseeing projects totaling $5 MM. Recent professional activities and awards include:
- 2016 Fulbright Global Award
- 2014 National Research Council, Panel Member Appointment
- 2012 National Academy of Engineering Fellow, Frontiers of Engineering Education
- 2010 American Chemical Soc. Environmental Division Best Paper Presentation
- 2009 National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- 2009 International Precious Metal Institute Student Advisor Award
- 2005 ASME, Gas Turbine Award
- 2004 ASME, Best Applications Paper Award