Marco Mazzotti, an Italian and Swiss citizen born in 1960, married, with two children, has been professor of process engineering at ETH Zurich since May 1997 (associate until March 2001 and full professor thereafter). Before joining ETH Zurich, he had worked for IBM Italy (1985-1987) and Montefluos (1988-1990), and had been assistant professor at the Politecnico di Milano (1994-1997). His research activity deals with adsorption based separations and chromatography, and with crystallization and precipitation processes. The application areas of interest are the purification of biopharmaceuticals and the development of carbon dioxide capture and storage systems. He teaches classes on Separation Processes, Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineers, Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, and an introductory class on Chemical Engineering.
Marco Mazzotti
Professor of Process Engineering
ETH Zurich