Mary Ensch, Ph.D | AIChE

Mary Ensch, Ph.D

Senior Staff Professional

Mary Ensch, Ph.D. is a Senior Staff Professional at Geosyntec’s Milwaukee office supporting a variety of remediation services. Mary has recently taken on a consulting career after the completion of her Ph.D. focusing on electrochemical methods. She has authored an article on PFAS destruction (A combined current density technique for the electrochemical oxidation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) with boron-doped diamond) and has been a co-author on a second (Electrochemical destruction of ‘forever chemicals’: the right solution at the right time). In addition, she has given a variety of PFAS educational presentations at academic conferences and industry events including for the Michigan Association of Hazardous Materials Professionals Annual Conference, the Engineering Society of Detroit Solid Waste Technical Conference, and legislative staff training through the Michigan State University Legislative Leadership Program. Dr. Ensch has helped lead a PFAS site investigation including management of field work and has performed extensive research into PFAS remedial technologies.