Mary Harris | AIChE

Mary Harris

Biotechnical Communications, Inc.

Dr. Harris’ career spans several professions including scientist, senior public health administrator, entrepreneur/small business owner, advocate for equity in STEM innovation, television and radio producer and host, consumer health advocate, and non-profit board member. She has received numerous professional and community awards. Dr. Harris’ career highlights include:

•Experience in designing healthcare service delivery networks. Director of Genetic Services for the State of Georgia. Under her direction, Dr. Harris positioned genetics testing and treatment services as a significant component of Georgia’s public health services.

•Consumer healthcare advocate. Dr. Harris has done numerous public and professional speaking on healthcare topics and has served as the host of consumer of her own nationally health radio show—Journey to Wellness.

•Formulating Health Policy and Impacting Health Disparities. Dr. Harris launched state and southern regional hemoglobinopathy screening and treatment programs. Working with key legislators to formulate genetic testing policy and legislation, the program was firmly established as part of the state’s healthcare service network. This model was replicated throughout the southeastern United States.

•Consensus Builder. Created the Georgia Genetics Task Force (GGTF) comprised of key stakeholders (state legislators, healthcare providers, patient representatives, laboratory testing experts, and community outreach/counseling programs).

•Small Business Owner. Dr. Harris’ firm—BioTechnical Communications (BTC) was founded in 1987. The company has been awarded 13 competitive Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)from the prestigious National Institutes of Health (NIH) to combine targeted health messaging and technology to change health behaviors.

Research and Advocate for Equity in STEM Innovation. Dr. Harris was senior consultant/collaborator on a research grant funded by the National Science Foundation to explore how best to improve minority participation and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the national I-Corps program.

SBIR Coach and Mentor: Based on her company’s success with NIH Small Business Innovation Research Program, Dr. Harris’ firm- BioTechnical Communications—offers education, training, and mentoring to technology-based small businesses owned by under-represented minorities and women. This initiative is designed to engage, train, and mentor minority scientists/tech entrepreneurs to apply for SBIR grants and ultimately increase the racial diversity of entrepreneurship in technology innovation.