Dr. Gorensek is a recognized expert in chemical process modeling and simulation at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), where he is a Senior Fellow Engineer. Max has worked professionally for 39 years since earning his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Princeton. Prior to SRNL, he worked as an independent consultant and held positions at OxyVinyls/Geon/BFGoodrich, Life Systems, Inc., American Cyanamid Co., Halcon SD Group, Inc., and at Case Western Reserve University as an assistant professor.
Dr. Gorensek has made significant contributions and dramatic improvements in the development of process models for high-level radioactive waste processing facilities at both the Savannah River Site and the Hanford Site River Protection Project.
Dr. Gorensek has also been a key player in initiatives for hydrogen generation from advanced nuclear reactors and in advances in modeling to support process intensification. His models of the hybrid sulfur cycle process demonstrated its capability for efficient and cost effective hydrogen production. He currently leads SRNL’s HydroGEN capability node for high-temperature water-splitting materials and H2@Scale efforts in support of hybrid sulfur cycle hydrogen production. Dr. Gorensek is also a co-principal investigator for the AIChE RAPID Manufacturing Innovation Institute’s Center for Process Modeling, advancing modeling of intensified processes for renewable bioproducts.