Michael Narodoslawsky heads the Process Synthesis, Process Evaluation, and Regional Development research group at the Technical Univ. of Graz (Graz, Austria; Email: narodoslawsky@tugraz.at), where his research focuses on life cycle analysis for technologies on the basis of renewable resources, regional technology networks for renewable resources, and biorefinery development. He heads the Bioenergy Working Group within the SET-Plan Education Task Force of the European Commission, and he chairs the Bioresources Working Group of the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (ESEIA). Previously, he held positions as head of the Institute for Resource Efficient and Sustainable Systems at TU Graz; chair of the National Research Network SUSTAIN, the first interdisciplinary Austrian initiative for research on sustainability; and head of the European Network ENSURE, which deals with urban and regional sustainable development. He holds a diploma and a doctorate from the Institute of Chemical Engineering at TU Graz.