Dr. Rogers is a Tier II Canada Chair in Food Nanotechnology at the University of Guelph, where he studies the underlying mechanisms that facilitate self-assembly of small molecules and degradation kinetics and mechanisms of foods. His work appeared on the Covers of Chemical Society Reviews, Langmuir and Soft Matter, and includes 85 peer-reviewed publications, 18 book chapters, and more than 80 conference proceedings. He has been awarded Young Scientist Awards through the International Union of Food Science and Technologists and the American Oil Chemists’ Society. By mimicking structures made by nature, he develops a fundamental understanding of how to control the assembly of small molecules into complex materials with applications ranging from foods to biomaterials. Dr. Rogers has held faculty appointments at Rutgers University (Department of Food Science (2011-2015)) and the University of Saskatchewan (Department fo Food and Bioproduct Science (2008-2011) before joining Guelph (2015 - ). He currently serves as an Associate Editor with Food Biophysics (2014 - )