Dr. Morten Busch is the Senior Scientific Editor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. He obtained his MSc in biochemistry (1996) and PhD degree in protein chemistry both from University of Copenhagen (1999). From 2006-2014 he was part of leadership of the National Science Centre, Experimentarium, where he was head of Exhibition (2006-2010) and head of the Science Communication Department (2010-2014), where he was part of the start-up of Videnskab.dk and the production of the DR TV series “Great Danish Scientists” (Store Danske Videnskabsfolk). Morten has worked 30 years with communication of science in most formats: print, websites, radio, TV series, documentaries, outreach to schools and events. In 2017 he created the popular science website, Sciencenews, which today has more than 200.000 followers. He is editor-in-chief and specializes in the use of narratives to explain difficult science, film portraits of scientists and on-stage interviews and talks.