Dr. Nishanth Chemmangattuvalappil is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering in the department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at University of Nottingham Malaysia. He is also the director of sustainable process integration group of the environmental research division of university of Nottingham, Malaysia campus.
He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University, AL, USA (2010). He worked as a Post-doctoral fellow at University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA and later at Auburn University. His main areas of expertise include product and molecular design, mixture design and integrated biorefineries. His current work focuses on the application of molecular design concepts to design benign and green solvents, integration of molecular design techniques into the design of biorefineries and carbon capture and storage using ionic liquids.
He has co-authored more than 80 peer reviewed international journal articles and six book chapters. In addition, his works have been presented in more than 60 international conferences and in six invited lectures.
More details on his research and publications can be found at the website http://www.nottingham.edu.my/Engineering/Departments/Chemenv/People/nish...