Piero Salatino, MSc Chem Eng, PhD, is Professor of Chemical Engineering and faculty member of the Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II. Chairman of MedITech, Italian Competence Center on Industry 4.0 enabling technologies. Selected present/past institutional appointments include: member of the Governmental panel for National Research Planning 2021-2027; Dean of the School of Polytechnic and Basic Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II (2013-2020); Dean of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Naples Federico II (2010-2013); Director of the Combustion Research Institute, National Research Council (2008-2010).
Piero Salatino is an internationally recognized researcher and scholar in the fields of chemical reaction engineering, powder technology, combustion and thermochemical conversion of solid fuels, bioprocess engineering, with a scholarly record of nearly 350 articles published in international archival journals. Member/past member of the editorial boards of Powder Technology, Fuel Processing Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Combustion & Flame, Combustion Science and Technology, Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Energy Research.