Pratap Nair | AIChE

Pratap Nair

President and CEO

Pratap Nair is one of the founding members of Ingenero, a high-end engineering and applied technology company. Ingenero provides engineering services globally on projects ranging from complete greenfield design through commissioning to its core asset enhancement services.  This asset enhancement service can range from applying technology and modeling to increase production by 10 to 30% or for example in the case of Ethylene facilities increasing their furnace run lengths anywhere from 10% to 300%.  He currently serves as the international firm’s President and CEO.

Dr. Nair is a pioneer in continuous remote monitoring and operations guidance for the process industry and is a seasoned executive in the arena of operational performance improvement and optimization projects in the process industry.
• Bachelor in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
• Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Rice University in Houston.