Ignacio E. Grossmann is the Rudolph R. and Florence Dean University Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and former department head at Carnegie Mellon University. He obtained his B.S. degree at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, in 1974, and his M.S. and Ph.D. at Imperial College in 1975 and 1977, respectively. He is a member and former director of the Center for Advanced Process Decision-making, an industrial consortium that involves 20 petroleum, chemical, engineering, and software companies. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and Fellow of AIChE and INFORMS. He has received the INFORMS Computing Society Prize and the following AIChE awards: Computing in Chemical Engineering, William H. Walker for Excellence in Publications, Warren Lewis for Excellence in Education, Research Excellence in Sustainable Engineering, Founders Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Chemical Engineering. In 2015 he was the first recipient of the Sargent Medal by the IChemE. He has honorary doctorates from Abo Akademi in Finland, University of Maribor in Slovenia, Technical University of Dortmund in Germany, University of Cantabria in Spain, Russian Kazan National Research Technological University, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, Universidad de Alicante in Spain, and RWTH Aachen, Germany. He is a 2019 top cited scientist in Computer Science and Electronics: 53 Worldwide, 38 National. He has authored more than 700 papers, the recent textbook Advanced Optimization for Process Systems Engineering, and the textbook Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design, which he co-authored with Larry Biegler and Art Westerberg. He has also organized the virtual library on process systems engineering. Grossmann has graduated 68 Ph.D. and 37 M.S. students. His main research interests are in the areas of discrete/continuous optimization, optimal synthesis and planning of chemical processes and energy systems, supply chain optimization, and optimization under uncertainty.