Qingshan Zhu is a full Professor from 2002 at Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and is currently the deputy director of IPE CAS. His research interests include fluidization, process intensification, mineral roasting, nanostructural materials, etc. For the past decade, he is dedicated to developing new mineral processing technologies for low-grade minerals of Chinese characteristics, where several pilot plants up to 200,000 t/a have been successfully established. He published over 140 reviewed articles in internationally refereed journals. He has more than 60 patents and over 10 patents have been licensed to several companies.
He is currently the president of Chinese Society of Particle Technology. He serves as the associate Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Process Engineering (Chinese) and The Chinese Journal of Powder Technology, and serves on several editorial boards, including Particuology, Int. Rev. Chem. Eng., J. Crystal. Phys. Chem., J. East China Uni. Sci. Tech. (Chinese), Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium (Chinese).