Dr. Mukherjee graduated from the Process Systems Engineering Laboratory at Department of Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University (2010). Before joining UTPB, he has conducted postdoctoral research at Tulane University, Center for Computational Science, United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) as an ORISE postdoctoral fellow, University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)/Vishwamitra Research Institute and worked at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University (TAMU) as visiting assistant professor.
Dr. Mukherjee’s research interests include Sustainability, Water-Energy Nexus, Data analytics using machine learning (ML), multi-resolution and multivariate statistics, algorithm development for sustainable chemical process design, process integration and optimization under uncertainty. Dr. Mukherjee has published 25 research articles in peer-reviewed journals, has several conference proceedings and a state-of-the-art book on engineering sustainability, “Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability: A Treatise for Engineers”, Springer, November, 2016, ISBN-13: 978-3319427171. He received a $300,000 grant from the UT System STARs Program for developing water-energy nexus laboratory and high-performance computing laboratory for process systems engineering. He is CoPI in the proposal “Development of Solar Assisted Hybrid Oilfield Water Treatment Technology with Techno-Economic Assessment and Sustainability Analysis” supported by The University Lands.