S.B. Reddy Karri is a Technical Director of Particulate Solid Research, Inc., an engineering industrial consortium of 33 member companies from Asia, Africa, Americas and Europe. He is an expert in the area of fluid-particle systems such as fluid beds, cyclones, diplegs, standpipes and risers. He extensively consults and trouble shoots the industrial problems in the energy filed. He lead numerous cold flow projects relating to fluid-catalytic cracking, methanol-to-olefins, gas-to-liquids, catalytic coal gasification and others. He also developed several engineering tools to design several aspects of fluidized beds, cyclones, diplegs, standpipes and risers. He has written either internally or externally over 120 papers in the area of fluid-particle systems. He has been teaching PSRI technical seminar to the industrial engineers from all over the world for the last 25 years. He has chaired several sessions at AIChE. He was chair of Group 3b of Particle Technology Division of AIChE. He is currently an executive member of AIChE’s PTF Division. He received 2011 AIChE's Fluidized Processing Award sponsored by Dow Chemical Company.