Renato Baciocchi | AIChE

Renato Baciocchi

Assiociate professor
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Associate Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He received his degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1990 and earned his Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Milan in 1995. After a work experience as process engineer at KTI of Rome, he began his university career as researcher in 1998. Within the scope of his research activities, he has published about 130 papers, among which 45 in international refereed journals and he has acted as coordinator for his department of several national and international research projects, among which the European FP7 project “Hombre”, the European LIFE+ project “Upgas-LowCO2”, and a series of projects financed by ENEA concerning research for the national electric system. He participates in the scientific committees of important national (Remtech) and international conferences (ACEME, AquaConSoil) and furthermore, since 2010 he is a member of the technical office of the General Directorate for the protection of land and water resources of the Ministry of the Environment. In addition, he is the coordinator of the national network for the management and remediation of contaminated sites, Reconnet.