Professor Robert F Savinell is a Distinguished University Professor, and George D. Dively Professor of Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Savinell has been engaged in electrochemical engineering research and development for over forty years. Savinell’ s research is directed at fundamental science and mechanistic issues of electrochemical processes, and at electrochemical technology systems and device design, development, modeling and optimization. His research has addressed applications for energy conversion, energy storage, sensing, and electrochemical materials extraction and synthesis. Professor Savinell is co-inventor of a high temperature proton conducting membrane for fuel cells and electrolysis cells based on phosphoric acid doped PBI, which has been commercialized. Savinell is also co-inventor of the slurry-based all-iron flow battery for large scale energy storage. This patent portfolio has been licensed and currently under commercial development. Professor Savinell is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Electrochemical Society, and he is a Fellow of the ECS, AIChE, ISE, and NAI.