Sanjoy Banerjee is CUNY Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of the CUNY Energy Institute, headquartered at City College, City University of New York (CUNY). He is also the Founder and Executive Chairman of Urban Electric Power Inc., a spinoff from the CUNY Energy Institute that manufactures and markets zinc-based energy storage systems. Till March 2008, Sanjoy Banerjee, was Professor Abovescale at UC Santa Barbara, where he served as the Chemical Engineering Department Chair for an extended period with the Dept. rising to the top 10 nationally under his leadership. Previously, he held appointments at UC Berkeley, McMaster University (Canada), and Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL) —ultimately serving as AECL’s Acting Director of Applied Science. From 2006-2016, he was a member of the US Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), congressionally mandated to maintain oversight over nuclear power, and served on the Reference Board of the Norwegian Govt.-Oil Industry Consortium for Oil-Gas Flow Assurance Project (FACE). He received the 2020 ECS New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award for Urban Electric Power and the 2019 ACS/EPA Green Chemistry Challenge Award. Other recognitions include: AIChE Donald Q. Kern Award for energy conversion, ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award and ASME Melville Medal (ASME’s highest literature award), ANS Technical Achievement Award, IChemE Danckwerts Lecturership, Mitsubishi Professor Tokyo University, Burgers Professor University of Delft, Dow-Sharma Professor University of Mumbai. Prof. Banerjee’s main area of research has been on the behavior of systems far from equilibrium, including rapid phase transitions, turbulence and most recently nonlinear phenomena such as dendrite formation and control in electrochemical energy storage systems.