Sharon Gerecht is currently a professor at Duke University. Professor Gerecht was a postdoctoral researcher in 2004 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Israel Institute of Technology. She received her Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the Israel Institute of Technology (’04), M.Sc. in Medical Sciences from Tel-Aviv University (’99), and B.A. in Biology from the Israel Institute of Technology (’94).
Her group’s research is focused on employing engineering fundamentals to study basic questions in stem cell biology and applying these to tissue repair and regeneration. Specifically, they study the interactions between stem cells (SCs) and their microenvironments with the long-term goal of engineering artificial SC microenvironments capable of guiding vascular differentiation, delivery, and regeneration. Their research program is based on the integrated and advanced use of tissue engineering system components and is grounded in fundamentals of interfacial science and engineering and SC biology.