Dr. Siming You is a Lecturer in the James Watt School of Engineering of Glasgow University. Before joining the School, he worked as a Research Fellow at NUS (National University of Singapore) Environmental Research Institute. He also served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Nanyang Technological University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Dr. You received his Ph.D. in Thermo-fluids from Nanyang Technological University in 2014. He has an area of expertise in the design and analysis of waste management and waste-to-resource generation, and the valorization of waste-derived products like biochar and hydrogen. Dr. You was awarded the Outstanding Young Researcher Award by the American Institute of Chemical Engineering, Singapore Local Section in 2018. He serves as a guest editor for various special issues in prestigious journals including "Waste-to-Hydrogen and Related Technologies", 2019 in Applied Energy, "Waste Lignin to Resources", 2019 in Bioresource Technology, and "Sustainable Energy Technologies for Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction", 2017 in Applied Energy. He also sits in the Editorial Board of a leading journal on waste management - Journal of Hazardous Materials.