Stavros Papadokonstantakis studied Chemical Engineering (National Technical University of Athens, BSc+MSc, 1993-1998) and obtained his PhD in the field of "Modeling Chemical Engineering Processes with Neural Networks" in 2006. He has worked for 3 years (2003-2005) as engineering consultant in American Process Inc. (Atlanta, US - Athens, Greece) in the field of "Energy Monitoring in Pulp and Paper Industries". Since 2007, he has been conducting research in sustainability aspects of process design (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich). Since 2014, as an Associate Professor in the Department of Energy and Environment in Chalmers University of Technology, he focuses on energy efficiency of chemical production, hazard and life cycle assessment, biorefineries and industrial symbiosis. His goal is to provide advanced knowledge tools to decision makers in industry and society for the next generation of chemical production.
His teaching interests are in the fields of process simulation, flowsheeting, design and optimization. He holds a professional chemical engineering license since 1999 and is a senior member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers since 2014.