Stephen is a lecturer in Digital Bioprocess Engineering specialising in the application of advanced data analytics and mathematical modelling to the biotechnology sector.
He graduated with a BEng in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering at University College Dublin in 2008 and continued his studies to obtain a MEngSc related to nanoparticle synthesis as part of a joint venture between Rice University and University College Dublin in 2010. He completed his EngD titled “Application of Multivariate Data Analysis and First Principle Mathematical Modelling to the Biotechnology sector” in 2014 awarded by Newcastle University. This research involved the development of a digital twin IndPenSim which is feely available to download at www.industrialpenicillinsimulation.com and acts as an open resource for researchers to analyse, improve and optimise the current control strategy implemented on this facility. The website includes access to a “Big-Data” set suitable for the development machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms applicable to the biopharmaceutical industry. He subsequently started working as PDRA in UCL Biochemical Engineering department as part of the UCL-AstraZeneca Centre of Excellence applying data analytics to better leverage useful insights from large complex biomanufacturing data sets.
He became a lecturer in UCL Biochemical Engineering department in 2020 with a continued focus on Big-Data analytics and Machine Learning applications to the Biotechnology sector.