Steve Chalk has over 37 years of energy and defense-related experience. In his 29 years at the Department of Energy (DOE), he held numerous senior executive posts directing energy and policy including roles as Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Renewable Power, DAS for Energy Efficiency, DAS for Sustainable Transportation and DAS for Operations. Earlier in his DOE career, Mr. Chalk directed R&D programs in solar energy, hydrogen and fuel cells, building energy efficiency, and tritium production research. For his executive leadership, Mr. Chalk received three Presidential Rank Awards, and for his work in renewable energy, he was awarded the Science and Environment medal by the Partnership for Public Service. Prior to DOE, Mr. Chalk designed, manufactured and tested new rocket motors, propellants and explosives for the Navy. Mr. Chalk holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maryland and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the George Washington University.