Dr. Sunil Kumar is a well-rounded researcher with more than 20 years of experience in leading, supervising and undertaking research in the broader field of Environmental Engineering and Science with focus on Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. He has contributed extensively to these fields and has h-index of 30 and i10-index of 43 (Google scholar); highly impressive for a non-academic researcher from India. His contributions since inception at CSIR-NEERI in 200 include 130 refereed journal publications, 04 books and 25 book chapters, 08 Edited volumes and numerous project reports to various governmental and private, local and International academic /research bodies. The list of his collaborations is long and includes key Indian universities, such as IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi and IIT Mumbai and prestigious regional institutes, such as Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Hong Baptist University as well as universities in US (Columbia, Texas A&M) and Europe (UN University and University of Uppsala). He has contributed immensely to the advancement of environmental engineering/ science fields in India in the region and internationally by acting as editor/ editorial member of numerous journals, Expert committee member for revision of Solid Waste Manual in India, organizing workshops/conferences and delivering invited speeches at both Indian and international venues. Dr. Kumar has achieved much recognition and awarded as Outstanding Scientist in 2011 and 2016 at CSIR-NEERI for his Scientific Excellence in the field of Research & Development in Solid Waste Management. Dr. Kumar was also awarded with the most prestigious award Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Jean-Paul-Str.12 D-53173 Bonn, Germany as a Senior Researcher for developing a Global Network and Excellence for more advanced research and technology innovation. He has successfully demonstrated a brick kiln pilot plant at Ramteke, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India and pilot plant at CSIR-NEERI for utilization of distillery sludge as a soil amendment and involved in development of a Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Technology for Resource Recovery from E-waste, producing Bio-HCNG from the agricultural waste (contracted with Korea Government) and process development for production of non-food sugars from mixed variable organic wastes (Indo-UK Newton Bhabha Project).